sexta-feira, 8 de abril de 2011

Welcome to CLEM´s blog!

Hello everybody! We´re here because we have the chance to learn English truly totally free! This iniciative comes from Russas´s Town Hall, administrating in a right direction.

The CLEM is a specific English School for teenagers from Russas. Here we have weekly two classes using computers and the internet exploring the four English skills. Our classes are planned according to the students´s real life context. So many pupils can have many reasons to learn English effectively.

Um comentário:

  1. Parabéns a todos que fazem o Centro de Línguas Estrangeiras Modernas de Russas-CLEM pelo pioneirismo na universalização do ensino de Língua Inglesa de qualidade para os alunos da Rede Publica Municipal de Ensino.

    Slânio Carlini Coelho da Silva
    Coordenador do CLEM
